Monday, August 10, 2020

What is Impedance, Resistance difference, Series RLC circuit

  What is Impedance, Resistance difference, Series RLC circuit

      Hi friends Today I will explain, What is the difference between resistance, reactance and impedance.if you like my article,please share in your facebook,whatsapp,instagram groups and follow my,let's start.


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what is impedance

        This is simple AC circuit. This is AC supply. Voltage is V. VR is resistor and VL is inductor And I is the current flowing in the circuit. This I current will flow in VL  and VR  also. Same current.

        Now,  voltage across the resistor is VR, Voltage across this inductor is VL. Resistance of resistor is R. Similarly, inductance of inductor is L And inductive reactance will be equal to ωL. So inductor has 2 values, one is inductance L, Another is inductive reactance  ωL.  Then impedance will be total from VR To VL  And will be equal to. The formula is given above. Here I have written  ωL and  Lω also. Both are same. So value of impedance depends upon R, L, ω. Where omega is equal to 2 Ï€ f. f is the frequency of the AC supply.

       Now suppose value of R=0. Then Resistance is 0 & it's look like short. Now when R becomes zero,so,formula becomes like this. Only Lω  will be remaining.  So when R = 0. So in this type of circuit, Impedance & inductive reactance both will be equal and will be equal to Lω

impedance resistance difference

       Now suppose instead of R, L=0. When L become zero, ωL also becomes zero And VL will look like short. When this becomes short, There will not be any Lω . Because  L value is zero. So impedance will be equal to R,The square will be cancelled out with square root. That is equal to resistance. So, when R & L both are there and value of L is zero Or you can say, there is no L. Then impedance & resistance will be equal. and it will be R. 

      Now to calculate the value of R resistance using ohms (R=Vr/I) law we divide V by R. Here we take the voltage across the resistor. which is VR. So the voltage, devided by the current, because current is same every where, will be equal to resistance.

      Similarly here, (ωL=VL/I) to get the inductive reactance, we take the voltage VL, which is across inductor. So voltage across inductor VL / current I, is equal to ωL. Inductive reactance.        To calculate the impedance, We take full voltage, So this full voltage (V/I= impedance).

capacitor impedance

       I have shown C capacitor in place of inductor. So capacitor is the name of VC. It has 2 values.

resistance reactance and impedance

          One is capacitance= C And another is capacitive reactance= 1/ Cω. there is one resistor. So resistance is R. And capacitive reactanc is 1/Cω. And

       Impedance (Z) will be full, Impedance is depending upon R, C, ω  all three. 

       Now suppose here, R = 0. So, The square & the under root will be cancelled out. so remaining value will be 1/Cω, That is nothing but Capacitive reactance. So impedance & capacitive reactance , will be same &  will be equal to 1/Cω.when in RC circuit, value of R become zero. 

       Now suppose  capacitive reactance 1/Cω=0.  C should be infinite. So, C is equal to infinite. In this case, when capacitive reactance is zero, VC will show like short. because reactance value is zero. So impedance will be equal to square root R square. Root & square root will cancel, only R is remaining. So, in R & C case, If value of capacitive reactance is zero, then impedance & resistance becomes equal And will be equal to R. 

       Now here suppose we add one inductor also. Then  formula will be change

       value of impedance will change. Where the reactance of inductor. Suppose the reactance and the reactance becomes equal, then they will cancel out. This is called the resonance And value of impedance will be equal to only R  And the square & square root will cancel out. 

        Thank you friends ,if you like my article please share it in your groups. 

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