why 3 phase voltage is 415 volts
Hi friends, today's topic is the case of 3 phase AC
supply, if one phase is 230 volt, then 3 phase should give 690 volts, then How
it comes 400 volts? so today I will explain, that how 400 volts comes?why 3 phase voltage is 440 volts
are of 2 types,
\ 1) scalar
This method is used in schools, if 230 is
written 3 times, then addition will be 690, this is called scalar addition,
2) Vector addition
Here also 230, three times, but I have shown the
direction also here, the arrow is there, this means, that all 230 have same direction, now if we add all
these 3 quantities, then also 690 will come with an arrow, so if quantity has
direction also, then the addition of these, will be done using vector addition
method, see Both methods addition is 690, that is because, the direction of all
3 quantity is the same,
2 phase voltage
if all
these 3 have a different direction, then what will happen, let us see,
Here also
same 230 is shown, this quantity has direction also, so it is called vector,
that is why it is called vector addition, I have shown 2 quantities here, both
do not have the same direction. if we add these two, then 460 will not come, if
it were scalar, then 460 will come, what will be the addition here? see, the
addition 230 and 230, will make 400, so we get 400 from 2
vectors itself,In above all have the same direction, so 690 is the addition,
here it is not adding to give 460, this is called vector addition.
how to calculate phase to phase voltage
Above I
explained vector addition, now I will explain about vector difference, this
difference is used in 3 phase supply, if we measure voltage using a multimeter,
between 2 points, then we get the voltage difference, it will not be voltage
addition, that is why, we are talking about voltage difference,
here I have shown 2 vectors, the difference
between these 2 vectors, will also be 400, both are different direction, the
difference between these two is 400, this 400 is used in the AC supply, the
addition is not applicable, I told about the addition to you only for knowledge,
so that I could explain the difference to you.
I have shown 2 phases here, the difference is
400, if these two 230 were scalar, then the difference will be zero not 400, as
these are not scalar, these are vectors, so the difference is coming 400,
440 volt 3 phase wiring diagram
Now I showed
2 phases, I have shown the 3rd phase also here, see,
3 rd phases are not required to get 400, 2 phases itself will give 400, the
difference of 2 phases is 400, but, this 400 is just one phase, if you want 3
phase, 400 volts line to line, then all 3 phases are required, if you want just
1 phase 400 volts, then two-phase input is sufficient, if all 3 phases are
there, then the difference of any 2 phases, will be 400 and difference is also 400, see, like this, so 3 phases are
not needed to get 400, 2 phase itself will give 400,
Concept 230 +
230 + 230 = 690 is for scalar, 690 will not be in the vector, 3 phase supply
has vector quantities, as they have direction, direction word is used only to
explain, actually, they are all phasor quantities, the angle is called phase
angle, but all calculation is done as per vector, so all 3 results will be 400,
understand, all three 400, value is 400 for all 3 phase, but all 3 phase have
different directions.
3 phase voltage calculation formula
Now we can
calculate these, using mathematics also, if one phase of the 3 phase supply, is
230 v, so
230*1.782=398 or 230*= 398
the result will be 398 volts, this 398 is written as 400
for simplicity, addition or subtraction, the value will come 400, provided, the
angle is 120 degree, whatever phase voltage will be there, vector difference
will come root 3 times, this 400 is called line to line voltage,
I will explain to you once more, the
difference between scalar & vector, if both 230, are scalar quantities,
then addition will be 460, but if they are vector and the angle is 120 degree,
then vector addition will be 400, if the angle is different, then this 400 will
change also, similarly, in the case of difference or subtraction, if the 2
phase are vectors, then the difference will not be zero, but it will come 400,
provided the angle is 120 degree, if the angle is different, then this 400 will
If two phase were scalar, then the difference of
two 230 will be zero, so scalar & vector have lot of difference, here, the
scalar difference will come zero, but vector difference will be 400, scalar
difference method is used, If quantities are scalar, scalar does not have
direction, but the direction is there,
so vector.
Now you will ask, that you told, the
difference is 400 V, but 440 V is written everywhere, what is that 440 volts,
this 400 or 230 V will be changing, 230 will give 400, but if the voltage
increases by 10%, 10% of 400 will be 40, if the voltage is 10% more, then 400 +
40 will give 440, so if these voltages are 10% more, then 400 will become 440
volts, that is what written many places, if you measure the voltage with a
multi-meter, then even 440 may not come, you may not get even 400, as voltage
is changing, if this is 230, then you get 400, if this 230 changes, then this
400 will change also, these all 3 will not be added, as these are not scalar,
these are vector or phasor.
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